Monday, June 1, 2009

February Stars Union

Once again, there is no info on this band, except for the fact that they were together during the 90's and from Illinois. They played sweet emo jams similar to My Favorite Citizen, Boys Life, and Christie Front Drive. There's a male and a female vocalist and which sounds really cool. Sometimes they scream a bit too which is interesting. Unfortunately they only have 7 songs. Evergreen Trio, who they did a split with, is also a very good band, but I think they only have the songs on the split.

Kicked Out Spokes

February Stars Union/Evergreen Trio - Adults Are Threatening Creatures


  1. Hello, this is Jenny from February Stars Union..not sure how i stumbled on this page but it's pretty nuts that our cd's got out to someone in PA..those were fun times..

  2. Hey Jenny! haha yeah its amazing how the internet works. Love the music!

  3. I doubt you will see this jenny, but this is a desperate plea for more music from you guys, I seriously cannot get enough of this. If there is anything please let me know :)

  4. hi Jenny...John from Rockford here...if I am not mistaken, Mitch ended up with these songs due to me posting them on the blog a while back. Whatever keeps the memories alive though...

  5. The Evergreen Trio has two full lengths out as well
